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The Community Crossing

Our Mission: Strengthening communities of faith, 
one person, one family, one neighborhood at a time.

The Community Crossing (CCX), formerly known as McDowell Mission, is an independent, non-profit organization and our number one goal is to seek out where God is working and to join Him in it. McDowell County, West Virginia is most often defined by what it once was in the “golden era” of the coal mining industry. But we, however, prefer to focus on what God is doing now, and how to better reach and impact the people around us for the future.


In the last verse of the Old Testament (Malachi 4:6) a solemn warning is issued — the last words from God for 400 years before Jesus came:

He will turn the hearts of fathers
to their children 
and the hearts of children
to their fathers. 
Otherwise, I will come and strike the land with a curse.

Our ministries all converge on this point:

  We are committed to stop the curse
of absent fathers now and in the future.
What is unique about The Community Crossing?


We are a local mission, with a long-term commitment to McDowell County. This county has serious challenges and we are here to address these needs (see the February 2015 PBS special “The First 1000 Days” for a poignant portrayal of young children in our community). The Community Crossing is staffed by residents of McDowell County. We interact daily with the community here, raise our children here, and understand the needs here better than well-meaning agencies and ministries that are based outside the county. We can thoughtfully provide the right help to those who need it most. 

Our ministries are connected and complementary.

Young families are served by our in-home education program Parents as Teachers (PAT), who also benefit from our partner YouthWork's Home Repair Ministry.  Our youth athletic programs (Mac Center) directly impact the lives of youth in our county to encourage growth into strong, confident adults. Each facet of our ministry includes inviting all into our Missional Communities and discipling relationships.


Why are we doing this?


We love our Father in Heaven and are eternally indebted to Jesus for paying for our sins through His death on the Cross. We also believe that, as an expression of our gratitude, we are called to love and serve others. No one can be perfect in this, but we live our lives in an attempt to be examples of God’s love to those around us, and pray that people will investigate the reason for these loving actions and discover God’s love and salvation. 

Why are we doing this?

We are devoted to 7 qualities

that define our organization:



Obedient to God


Have a Heart for the Lost

Learning Always

Teaching Always


Click here for our Statement of Faith


Board of Directors


  • Jay Wilson, Executive Director of The Community Crossing
  • Candice Keasler
  • Missy Nester

All donations go to support the Community Crossing ministries and operations that are not funded by the Parents as Teachers program grant.  

The Community Crossing, Inc.
225 Maple Ave
Welch,WV 24801
(304) 436-8300



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