ISSUE 1806
"So that we would not be outwitted
by Satan; for we are not ignorant
of his designs."
2 Corinthians 2:11
Parent Educators
by day, animal
by night
Proof that focus and hard work pays off

In The End We Win...
Yet The Battle Is Real
Growing up in a Freewill Baptist Church, attending a Southern Baptist Church in Georgia, being a member of an United Brethren Church, and worshiping at a Methodist church I noted very little was said about Satan and demons. There are those occasions when we say we feel like we are under spiritual attack but usually that could be discounted as a string of bad luck. We joke by saying “the devil made me do it” but that is meant to pass off our responsibility or blame onto somebody else.
In the world of Christendom, there is another wing that spends a great deal of time and focus on Satan. To them there’s a demon under every bush. If Satan is not attacking, they pick a fight. To some, it is the measure of your spirituality. If you are not under attack, you must not be as tight with God as you say.
I do not profess that I know the truth on the subject. I suspect that the truth lies somewhere in between. I have experienced spiritual attacks, witnessed demons speaking from a person’s mouth, and strange activity in a house I lived in. I have no doubt that we live in a world shared by demons and angels. What I do know is that Satan is a defeated foe. God is all powerful. Yet the saying “fools rush in where angels fear to tred” applies. We need wisdom and discernment. All too often we lack both. To survive the Christian life we really need 4 things: a deeper relationship with God, knowledge of the enemy and his tactics, protection of the full armor of God at all times, and a band of believers we can trust. That will help us “see" the battle before us and use the armor and weapons to be victorious.
We all know that Satan is the father of lies, manipulation and confusion. In Genesis 3, He used a serpent to manipulate Eve by questioning -- what did God really say? He still does that but now he uses people. Wait, that can’t be true, aren’t we all God’s children? Was the serpent evil? His questioning led to confusion. Eventually, her confusion led to questioning God’s intent. In the process our first parents opened up themselves to a rebellious heart. Satan started this mess with a rebellion from God. We continue the rebellion even as believers. We rebel when we refuse to submit to God, and our sins are the symptoms of our refusal to submit to God's rule over our lives.
One of my pet peeves is how we read scripture and attend bible studies without practical application in our lives. Jesus calls this building our house on the sand when we listen but don't do what He says. We see how stupid the Israelites, disciples and the Pharisees were yet fail to admit when we do the same thing. Satan continues to use lies, manipulation and confusion. We tend to be passive and disengaged. Why do we flirt with evil and then be surprised by the chaos in our lives?
The bride of Christ is always under attack. As called warriors when we see our brothers and sisters under attack, we need to stand up, speak out and come along side. There are only 2 sides in this, choose wisely. For the record, not choosing is choosing and the default is not good.

Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power
of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.
Luke 10:19
Parents as Teachers Pool Party
Family fun at Linkous Park in Welch!
Petting Zoo at Goodson's
The local grocery market hosted a petting zoo with a deer, llama and even a wallaby! It was a fun day
out and we are grateful for events like this
for kids to interact with animals!
Blogs We Read
Our next book we will be studying is Stronger than the Struggle: Uncomplicating Your Spiritual Battle by Havilah Cunnington. We invite you to read along with us, and join the conversation as we start this book together!
What are some spiritual battles you have faced in your life? Do you believe spiritual battles are real? Message us your thoughts on our Facebook page here!
A Labor of Love
Compelled to Rescue
Compassion for animals began at a tender age of 4 for Kat as she helped her older sister bottle raise kittens that were not likely to survive. This journey to save and create a better life for animals continues to be her passion. “Happy” was a starved dog she coaxed daily with food at the edge of a tree lined area to gain her trust until Kat was able to take her home to rehabilitate her. Happy was eventually re-homed to a family with 5 children and enjoys a happy, healthy life. Molly, a German Shepherd Mix (pictured) came to Kat at just 24 lbs and extremely emaciated. Two days later she was given her shots and de-wormer by a veterinarian who was very worried whether she would even survive. Today she weighs 48 lbs., is loved and full of life!
"Huge hearts full of compassion conflicts with the pocket book of many in McDowell County."

Gizmo, the cat pictured with Kasondra, was badly hurt when he was found. He stole their family’s hearts and she now describes him as a big baby that loves to be held. She too cannot pass by an animal in need and has rescued countless cats and dogs over the years. Sometimes that involves bottle feeding kittens or pups to get them through a critical time.
Parent Educators by day, animal superheroes by night! Kat Davis and Kasondra Ramsey take on a calling to rehabilitate and re-home animals giving the sick, lost and lonely a better life! You never know what animal may be sharing our office on any given day, a bottle fed kitten, a dog that needs a safe place to start trusting other people, or just as a companion to add a little joy in our day. Shannon Pace shares her poodle, “Noodle”, with us almost every day at the office and has been deemed our office mascot. Many times he serves as a “de-stressor” for staff as he cuddles up on a lap while they work.
Huge hearts full of compassion conflicts with the pocket book of many in McDowell County. Few homes are equipped or willing to take on the cost and care of animals left without a home. Caring for an animal and their health for the long haul requires costly shots, food, medicine as well as paying for spay/neuter procedures. This presents an ongoing problem as our stray population increases. There is a local animal shelter, however, it stays at capacity most of the time. It poses a unique problem, one these ladies do not take lightly. We are thankful for people who are willing to sacrifice for the sick and weak. Kat and Kasondra are not alone and we want to highlight the unsung animal superheroes of our county!
Come back next month to meet another animal superhero in McDowell that we can all thank for finding forever homes in and out of the state of West Virginia!
Kasondra and Gizmo

Then God said,
“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.
And let them have
dominion over the
fish of the sea and
over the birds of the
heavens and over
the livestock and over
all the earth and over
every creeping thing
that creeps on the earth.”
Genesis 1:26
Celebrating Achievements
of Families in PAT!

Catie Cuthbert
and Jessica Sparks
Certified Nursing Assistants
Part of the Parents As Teachers Model includes partnering with families to help build strong communities, families that thrive and children who are healthy, safe and ready to learn. These ladies are proof that focus and hard work pays off! These are just a few of the recent accomplishments of families with an eye on the future.
Developing goals and a vision for the future is vital for a family’s well-being. Parents As Teachers help families identify, set and achieve goals, moving them forward in a positive direction.
One way we do this is to offer coaching to decide where to begin, to continue when the going gets tough and to finish well!
We have a Baby Bucks program that further encourages their journey to completion of their goals. Goals met equal Baby Bucks that can be used in our Pantry. Our pantry is supplied by donations from people with big hearts who are eager to help those who desperately need it and for those who just need a bit of encouragement in a tangible way. One exciting aspect of this is that many times parents enrolled in the program end up giving back to the Pantry.

Stephanie Tackett
GED, Certified Nursing Assistant

Tasha Mullins
Certified Nursing Assistant
and accepted into
Licensed Practical Nursing school

Amy Gibson
Roger and Amy's Wedding!

The Community Crossing not only is a faith-based ministry but a faith dependent ministry. We are very fortunate to have the Parents As Teachers grant through WV Department of Health and Human Services, however that does not cover the cost of the supportive ministry. There are many needs that families have that the grant does not cover such as diapers, wipes and even home repairs. Creating a safe environment for their family is important. Black Diamond boxing is starting its third year by hosting a boxing event next month. Black Diamond boxing’s only support comes from The Community Crossing donors. Our gym hosts various sports for members of the community. One of the greatest needs we have in our community is to reach out to those with drug and alcohol addictions, and we are developing an effective ministry to address this need. Would you prayerfully consider giving $30, $50 or $100 per month in support of these ministries?