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McDowell County
McDowell County, West Virginia is one of the
poorest counties in the nation.
The population of McDowell County was over 100,000 during the 1950s when coal was king. Although McDowell County remains a top producer of coal, 70,000 jobs were lost in the 1970s.
Now, less than 19,000 people remain, and face formidable obstacles.

"But God has indeed grabbed each one of us. He has awakened us and broken our hearts. We long to see God advance His Kingdom, to use us to help to alleviate physical needs and attend to spiritual needs of the people in McDowell County, West Virginia."

I am now reading “Radical --Taking your faith back from the American Dream” – I am reminded that Jesus is not a nice, middle class American. His purpose for us has nothing to do with prosperity and success. I have to ask myself -- what am I really doing? Am I just living a convenient faith? Am I willing to go into the tough places, and do more than live a comfortable life?

Like the boy distressed to see thousands of starfish washed up on the beach after a hurricane, he knows he can't save them all, but he can make a difference for "this one" as he tosses it back into the ocean. If we can make a difference for one, it will all be worth it. But of course, it will be all God's doing, because He is at work here, and we are just going to join in!

"But God has indeed grabbed each one of us. He has awakened us and broken our hearts. We long to see God advance His Kingdom, to use us to help to alleviate physical needs and attend to spiritual needs of the people in McDowell County, West Virginia."