ISSUE 1812
Thank you Arcelor Mittal
Another wonderful year,take a few minutes to look back with us.
Coal Country Christmas!
Pictured from left to right:
Mickey Pennington, Chris Hardy, Tim Runyan, Becky Brown (Children's Home Society), John Tinnel, Caitlyn Hardy, Kasondra Ramsey, Kim Reed, Kat Davis, Shannon Pace (kneeling), Santa (Chuck Childress), Karen Wilson (The Community Crossing), Micheal " Mike" Day (CEO Arcelor Mittal), James Roberts, Shawn Endicott, Mark Neal, Alec Patterson, Roger Fleming, Lesa Wilson, and Kyler Wilson.
December 13, 2018 was a special day for many children in McDowell County as they participated in the first ever “Coal Country Christmas” sponsored by Arcelor Mittal. This is a coal/steel company, located in Eckman, WV in which the bulk of their mining operations take place in McDowell County. For Arcelor Mittal, it was all about giving back to the community when they held a fundraiser in September that was attended by their employees. Michael "Mike" Day, CEO, cast a vision for this fantastic celebration and brought it to life with the help of The Children’s Home Society. Rebecca Brown serves McDowell County for the Children’s Home Society and did a lot of leg work to make this happen! Nearly 400 children received gifts with an overall contribution of $30,000 by Arcelor Mittal! We at the Community Crossing were blessed to see all of our Parents as Teachers families receive Christmas presents this year!