An Internship of God’s Unfailing Love
In a meeting with Jay, Karl, and Devan we talked about this week’s challenge of physical well-being; Jay described my body being...

My problem is…
“My problem is…” I hear this this almost every day. What follows is usually, at best, partly true. “My problem is I have a bad knee.” “My...

Embracing Absolute Non-Truth
Embracing absolute non-truth. Yes, you heard it. Over the years the world went from questioning absolute truth to accepting that there is...

Doubled-Edged Sword
“Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord God, “When I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water,...

Apples of Gold
Since becoming missionaries Nicole and I have been working at being worthy of our calling. In essence we know we never will be, but that...

Work is Worship
Romans 12: 1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable...

The Five “C”s of Calling
There is nothing easy about figuring out your calling, or for a ministry to really understand a person’s calling. As a matter of fact,...

One Year as a Diabetic
“Hello, my name is Jay and I am a diabetic…” A year ago, those were some of the hardest words I had ever spoken. As a matter of fact, I...

Why We Raise Support
As difficult as it is to raise support, we recognize that full-time ministry requires full-time support. Serving on the mission field...

Parent Educators Needed
For those who have a passion for strong, healthy families, Parents as Teachers is an incredible opportunity to mentor Moms and Dads to...